prepare("SELECT ID,fname,kinaddress,mainpic,username FROM girls WHERE ID=:sessid LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindParam(':sessid',$_REQUEST["pl"]); $stmt->execute(); while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { $dfname = $i3["fname"]; $pid = $i3["ID"]; $aboutme = $i3["aboutme"]; $dapproved = $i3["approved"]; $mainpic = $i3["mainpic"]; $emailis = $i3["emailis"]; $username = $i3["username"]; $password = $i3["password"]; $country = $i3["country"]; $views = $i3["views"]; $lastact = $i3["lastact"]; $tviews = $i3["tviews"]; $dpoints = $i3["points"]; $bday = $i3["bday"]; $bmonth = $i3["bmonth"]; $byear = $i3["byear"]; $rstatus = $i3["rstatus"]; $city = $i3["city"]; $paying = $i3["paying"]; $lastvisitor = $i3["lastvisitor"]; $tfollowers = $i3["tfollowers"]; $tfollowing = $i3["tfollowing"]; $nphotos = $i3["nphotos"]; $nposts = $i3["nposts"]; $mailoften = $i3["mailoften"]; $jobdesc = $i3["jobdesc"]; $edu = $i3["edu"]; $credits = $i3["credits"]; $karma = $i3["karma"]; $socmedia = $i3["socmedia"]; $publickey = $i3["publickey"]; $tppics = $i3["tppics"]; $ipaddr = $i3["ipaddr"]; $laststatus = $i3["laststatus"]; $laststatusid = $i3["laststatusid"]; $banned = $i3["banned"]; $verified = $i3["verified"]; $payuntil = $i3["payuntil"]; $telegram = $i3["telegram"]; $paypal = $i3["paypal"]; $venmo = $i3["venmo"]; $cashapp = $i3["cashapp"]; $bitcoin = $i3["bitcoin"]; $twitter = $i3["twitter"]; $instagram = $i3["instagram"]; $onlyfans = $i3["onlyfans"]; $bitclout = $i3["bitclout"]; $dating = $i3["datingact"]; $npages = $i3["npages"]; $nostrnpub = $i3["nostrnpub"]; $favrelay = $i3["favrelay"]; $tags = $i3["tags"]; $dblat = $i3["dblat"]; $kinaddress = $i3["kinaddress"]; } // Create a DateTime object for the current date and time $currentDate = new DateTime(); // Assuming you have the sender and receiver IDs $senderId = $_SESSION["uid"]; // Example sender ID from session $receiverId = $_REQUEST["pl"]; // Example receiver ID from request // Prepare a SQL query to select the 'activeuntil' date for the chat based on sender and receiver IDs $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("SELECT activeuntil FROM chats WHERE fromid = :senderId AND toid = :receiverId"); $stmt->bindParam(':senderId', $senderId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':receiverId', $receiverId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); // Fetch the 'activeuntil' date from the query result $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // Check if the query returned a row and the 'activeuntil' date is set if ($row && isset($row['activeuntil'])) { // Convert the 'activeuntil' date from the database to a DateTime object $activeUntilDate = new DateTime($row['activeuntil']); // Compare the current date to the 'activeuntil' date if ($currentDate < $activeUntilDate) { // Current date is less than the chat activation date $isActive = true; } else { // Current date is not less than the chat activation date $isActive = false; } } else { // No row returned or 'activeuntil' is not set, handle as needed $isActive = false; // or handle this situation as appropriate } // Use $isActive as needed, for example: if ($isActive) { ?>

""){ ?>
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'; }else{ ?>