"" && !stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],"duno.com")){ }else{ } if($_REQUEST["update"] == 1){ $stmt2 = $pdodb->prepare("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY girls SET aboutme=:aboutme,country=:country WHERE ID=:mid"); $stmt2->bindParam(':aboutme',$_REQUEST["aboutme"]); $stmt2->bindParam(':country',$_REQUEST["country2"]); $stmt2->bindParam(':mid',$_SESSION["uid"]); $stmt2->execute(); } $urlpara = explode("/",$_REQUEST["pl"]); $username = $urlpara[0]; $blogentry = $urlpara[1]; $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("SELECT ID,fname,aboutme,approved,mainpic,emailis, datingact, password,username,country,views,lastact, tviews,points,bday,bmonth,byear,rstatus, city,paying,lastvisitor,tfollowers,tfollowing,nphotos,nposts,mailoften,ipaddr,twitter,onlyfans,nostrnpub, instagram,laststatusid,banned,verified,payuntil,girls.paypal, girls.venmo,girls.cashapp,bitcoin,girls.npages,favrelay,tags,dblat,dblon,telegram,kinaddress,children_preference,height,sorientation FROM girls WHERE username=:sessid LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindParam(':sessid',$_REQUEST["pl"]); $stmt->execute(); while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { $dfname = $i3["fname"]; $pid = $i3["ID"]; $aboutme = $i3["aboutme"]; $dapproved = $i3["approved"]; $mainpic = $i3["mainpic"]; $emailis = $i3["emailis"]; $username = $i3["username"]; $password = $i3["password"]; $country = $i3["country"]; $views = $i3["views"]; $lastact = $i3["lastact"]; $tviews = $i3["tviews"]; $dpoints = $i3["points"]; $bday = $i3["bday"]; $bmonth = $i3["bmonth"]; $byear = $i3["byear"]; $rstatus = $i3["rstatus"]; $city = $i3["city"]; $paying = $i3["paying"]; $lastvisitor = $i3["lastvisitor"]; $tfollowers = $i3["tfollowers"]; $tfollowing = $i3["tfollowing"]; $nphotos = $i3["nphotos"]; $nposts = $i3["nposts"]; $mailoften = $i3["mailoften"]; $jobdesc = $i3["jobdesc"]; $edu = $i3["edu"]; $credits = $i3["credits"]; $karma = $i3["karma"]; $socmedia = $i3["socmedia"]; $publickey = $i3["publickey"]; $tppics = $i3["tppics"]; $ipaddr = $i3["ipaddr"]; $laststatus = $i3["laststatus"]; $laststatusid = $i3["laststatusid"]; $banned = $i3["banned"]; $verified = $i3["verified"]; $payuntil = $i3["payuntil"]; $telegram = $i3["telegram"]; $paypal = $i3["paypal"]; $venmo = $i3["venmo"]; $cashapp = $i3["cashapp"]; $bitcoin = $i3["bitcoin"]; $twitter = $i3["twitter"]; $instagram = $i3["instagram"]; $onlyfans = $i3["onlyfans"]; $bitclout = $i3["bitclout"]; $dating = $i3["datingact"]; $npages = $i3["npages"]; $nostrnpub = $i3["nostrnpub"]; $favrelay = $i3["favrelay"]; $tags = $i3["tags"]; $dblat = $i3["dblat"]; $kinaddress = $i3["kinaddress"]; $children_preference = $i3["children_preference"]; $height = $i3["height"]; $sorientationselect = $i3["sorientation"]; } if($mainpic <> ""){ $dmainpic = $mainpic; } if($banned == 1){ #echo 'this user is banned. to reactivate please contact palmies@protonmail.ch go back'; #die(); } if($payuntil <> "0000-00-00 00:00:00"){ $d1 = new DateTime($payuntil); $d2 = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")); if($d2 < $d1){ $paid = true; }else{ $paid = false; } }else{ $paid = false; } if($pid == null){ include('metas.php'); include('header2.php'); echo '
this user does not exist
'; die(); } if($_SESSION["uid"] <> $pid){ $stmt2 = $pdodb->prepare("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY girls SET tviews=tviews+1,views=views+1 WHERE ID=:mid"); $stmt2->bindParam(':mid',$pid); $stmt2->execute(); } if($dblat == 0 && $country <> ""){ #echo "dblat update ".$dblat; $geocode = getGeoCode($city." ".$c_codes[$country]); #print_r($getcode); #echo 'lat:'.$geocode["lat"]; $d_lat2 = $geocode["lat"]; $d_lon2 = $geocode["lon"]; $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY girls SET dblat=:dblat, dblon=:dblon,citylon=:dblon,citylat=:dblat WHERE ID=:mid LIMIT 1"); $stmt->bindParam(':dblat',$d_lat2); $stmt->bindParam(':dblon',$d_lon2); $stmt->bindParam(':mid',$pid); $stmt->execute(); } $dt = "".str_replace(", "," ",$tags)." ".$aboutme." ".$city." ".$c_codes[$country].""; $dtfb = strip_tags($dt); include('metas.php'); include('header2.php'); if($_SESSION["uid"] > 0 && $_SESSION["uid"] <> $pid){ $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO profilevisitors (mid, pid, visited) VALUES (:mid, :pid, NOW()) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE visited = NOW()"); $stmt->bindParam(':pid', $pid); $stmt->bindParam(':mid', $_SESSION["uid"]); $stmt->execute(); $betreff = 'tienes un nuevo visitante'; $message2 = ' tienes un nuevo visitante https://www.guapas.org/'.$d_username.' '; if(strstr($emailis,"@")){ mandrill('info@guapas.org',$emailis, $betreff, $message2); } $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY girls SET nvisitors=nvisitors+1 WHERE ID=:pid"); $stmt->bindParam(':pid', $pid); $stmt->execute(); } ?>

Edit Profile
'; } ?>
'; if($_SESSION["uid"] == $pid){ echo ''; }else{ echo ''; } if($dmainpic <> ""){ #echo ''; }else{ #echo ''; } echo ' '.$dfname.' @'.$username.'
'; echo 'Vistas en total: '.$tviews.'
'; echo 'Vistas de este concurso: '.$views.'
'; echo '
ID de perfl: '.$pid.'
'; if($kinaddress <> ""){ # echo 'Chatear $0.05 cents'; }else{ # echo 'Code Wallet not enabled yet for chat.'; } echo 'entra en chat'; #echo 'Follow '.$username.''; #echo '· '.$tfollowers.' followers · '.$tfollowing.' Following'; echo '

estado civil: '.$rstatusarray[$rstatus].'
lugar: '.$city.' '.$c_codes[$country].'
edad: '.getage($bmonth,$bday,$byear).'
'; $heightInchesTotal = round($height / 2.54); $heightFeet = intval($heightInchesTotal / 12); $heightInches = round($heightInchesTotal % 12); echo 'altura: ' . $height . 'cm / ' . $heightFeet . '\' ' . $heightInches . '"
'; echo ' Signo Zodiaco: '.calculateZodiacSign($bday,$bmonth).'
hijos: '.$childrenPreferences[$children_preference].'
orientacion: '.$sorientation[$sorientationselect].'
'; /* if($_SESSION["uid"] <> $pid){ if($_SESSION["uid"] == ""){ echo 'Send Message
'; }else{ echo 'Send Message
'; } } */ echo '
'; echo '
'; $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("SELECT picis FROM pix WHERE mid=:pid"); $stmt->bindParam(':pid',$pid); $stmt->execute(); while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { echo ''; } echo '
'; if($telegram <> ""){ #echo 'Telegram @'.$telegram.''; } if($nostrnpub <> ""){ #echo '
'; } if($tags <> ""){ $atags = explode(",", $tags); echo 'Intereses
'; foreach($atags as $tagi){ $tagi = trim($tagi); echo ''.$tagi.''; } echo '
'; echo 'Foros
'; $atags = explode(",", $tags); foreach($atags as $tagi){ $tagi = trim($tagi); echo ''.$tagi.''; } echo ''.$city.''.$c_codes[$country].''; } ?> ""){ ?>
Tip $0.25 to this person
comparte en twitter para ganar

comparte en telegram para ganar

comparte en whatsapp para ganar

comparte en facebook para ganar


""){ if($_SESSION["uid"] > 0){ echo 'Twitter @'.$twitter.''; }else{ echo 'Twitter @'.$twitter.''; } } if($onlyfans <> ""){ if($_SESSION["uid"] > 0){ echo 'OnlyFans @'.$onlyfans.''; }else{ echo 'Twitter @'.$twitter.''; } } if($instagram <> ""){ if($_SESSION["uid"] > 0){ echo 'Instagram @'.$twitter.''; }else{ echo 'Twitter @'.$twitter.''; } } /* $stmt = $pdodb->prepare("SELECT linkis FROM links WHERE mid=:sessid"); $stmt->bindParam(':sessid',$pid,PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { if($_SESSION["uid"] > 0){ echo ''. $i3["linkis"].''; }else{ echo 'Twitter @'.$twitter.''; } } */ if($_SESSION["uid"] == 195){ echo 'banned'; echo 'd'; } ?> ""){ echo '
by city
'; foreach($atags as $tag){ $tag = trim($tag); echo ''.$tag.' '.$city.'
'; } } if($country <> ""){ echo '
by country
'; foreach($atags as $tag){ $tag = trim($tag); echo ''.$tag.' '.$c_codes[$country].'
'; } } ?> prepare("SELECT linkis,linktitle,mid FROM links WHERE mid=:pid"); $stmt->bindParam(':pid',$pid ,PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); echo '
'; while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { echo ''; if(stristr($i3["linkis"],"youtube")){ echo ''; } if(stristr($i3["linkis"],"gettr")){ echo ''; } if(stristr($i3["linkis"],"instagram")){ echo ''; } if(stristr($i3["linkis"],"tiktok")){ echo ''; } echo ''.$i3["linktitle"].'
'; } if($_SESSION["uid"] == $pid){ echo '+ add links'; } echo '
'; */ ?>

Foro prepare("SELECT girls.ID as ID,forum.ID as fid, forum.titleis,forum.lastcomment,forum.descis,forum.seox,forum.country, girls.mainpic,forum.timeposted,girls.username,forum.question,forum.classified,forum.dating,forum.nreplies,forum.lastcommentpic, forum.forum,forum.forumseo,forum.votepoints,forum.views,forum.nreplies,forum.votes,forum.mainpic as newspic,urlis FROM forum LEFT JOIN girls ON girls.ID=forum.mid WHERE forum.mid=:mid ORDER BY forum.ID desc LIMIT 20"); $stmt->bindParam(':mid',$pid); $stmt->execute(); $i=0; while($i3=$stmt->fetch()) { include('newsitem.php'); } ?>